Unified User Interface
A suite of cross-platform user interfaces that provides users with a common user menu experience across both desktop and VR. Enabling users to more easily transition from one platform to another.
A suite of cross-platform user interfaces that provides users with a common user menu experience across both desktop and VR. Enabling users to more easily transition from one platform to another.
This is the home panel. This provides you with all your tools from a button on your wrist. On desktop it looks like this.
It replaces the Edify lectern from previous versions and puts all the functionality at your fingertips so that you can deliver your lesson from anywhere at any time.
The first button is the objects and waypoints panel. Here you can place your objects into a scene. You can also access your way points and default spawn location.
The next panel is the notes and annotations panel. Here you can access any notes that you've created, or place down any annotations.
The next panel is your broadcasting panel. Here you can control which cameras are in your scene and which cameras are broadcasting. You can also start your broadcast, record or screen share your window.
The next panel is your tools. This is the comprehensive list of all the tools that are available in Edify currently. And you can control them by toggling on or off. A small explanation on the right will explain what each tool does when you select it.
The next panel is your scenes. Here. You can control which scene you are on. Add new scenes, add portals, or travel to different scenes.
And here you have your environments. You can select which environment you wish to go to or download any new environments that you don't currently own. You can also find your custom environments in here if you have added any.
Finally, you can summon the lesson planner, which will help you build the lesson from the ground up. To close click the outer ring and it minimizes your wrist panel.
You also have access to save or undo or next and previous seen along the bottom.
The lesson planner gives you an all encompassing view of the things you need to create your lesson.
To open it, open up your wrist menu, then go to summon lesson planner. The lesson planner guides you through the creation of your lesson from the ground up from environments, to your scenes and objects, your tools, your notes, and finally your broadcast.
To begin, choose your environment. Then go to objects, add or change your scene. And finally, you can use your tools, read your notes and control your broadcast.
The quick actions menu displays simple one click functions you can select on a model, board, camera or audio file. It appears as a radial menu with various icons you can select. To open it, right click on desktop or double tap trigger in VR.
The context menu is the location for complex functions and features for an object or board. It appears when an object or board is selected and can be found in VR on the left controller next to the home menu or lesson planner, or in desktop, at the top right corner of the screen.
For 'Objects', the context menu contains the slice and layers function, and for 'Whiteboards', the option to open media, view conference or duplicate screen.
The quick tools put all the handheld tools you need for preparing and delivering your lesson in a quickly accessible and repeatable location.
In VR you can activate by pressing the B button on the right hand or the Y button on the left hand. As the name suggests, this allows you to quickly access tools, such as the pen. With the pen, you can go over to a board, select it with trigger with your other. And then draw on the board by holding trigger. To close the menu, press Y again, and it will continue to let you use the tool that you have selected.
To quickly swap to your hand, open the tool, then double tap and it will return to the hand. You can also have two tools on at the same time in either hand. To do this select your first tool, then select the tool on your opposite hand. Close that menu and double tap Y on the original hand, that will allow you to have two tools at once. To return, open the menu, double tap, and you're ready to go.