Creating and Opening Lessons

Before jumping into the action, learn how to create a lesson and fill it with content

Creating and Opening Lessons

Open edify. On the homepage, select "Create a new Lesson" or open an "Existing Lesson". From there, select VR or desktop mode.

Next, name the Lesson and give it a short description. Then press the ‘Create lesson’ button.

You can now build your Lesson. Add 2D and 3D media and files, website links and presentations via the buttons on the right side of the screen. For a full list of currently supported files, check out the FAQ. You can also add presenter notes that will only be visible to you via the "Add Notes" button.

When you're happy with your Lesson, select "Save and Return" to return to the main menu, or "Save and continue" to immediately jump into the Lesson Creator environment.

For guidance once you enter the Lesson, check out our other guides.

Select the appropriate button to add your own content. You can bulk load files by selecting multiple at once.

To add a website link, enter the URL and a title. The title will display to students in edify's Lesson.

For lecture notes, enter a title (such as "Scene 1 notes") and then the note text.

To add models directly from Sketchfab, you'll need to log in with an ID and password. From here, you can navigate the Sketchfab website and add models into your lesson.

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Creating a New Lesson

Open edify. On the homepage, select "Create a new Lesson" or open an "Existing Lesson". From there, select VR or desktop mode.

Next, name the Lesson and give it a short description. Then press the ‘Create lesson’ button.

Creating a New Lesson

Adding Local Files

If you have 2D or 3D content stored locally, you can access this using the "From Local" button. This will open a standard windows explorer browers, which you can use to navigate through and add your content.

Edify currently supports a range of 2D and 3D file formats, which can be filtered using the dropdown menu at the bottom right of the file browser. The currently supported formats are:

  • Images
  • PDFs
  • Videos
  • 3D Models

Adding Local Files


Edify also provides importing tools for various 3D model sources, including large online repositories of 3D models. These can be accessed using the "Import" button.


Additional Content Types

Edify also provides other content tools that are added during lesson creation:

  • Websites - these consist of a website title, and a link to the URL.
  • Notes - these act as presentation notes, and are given a title and then the bulk of the text.
  • Annotations - These are pins that can be attached to models to provide information. They require a title and description.
Additional Content Types

Opening existing lessons

You can access existing Lessons through the "Existing Lessons" button on the home screen.

Previously created Lessons will be listed in chronological order. You can see their title and description, and delete any lessons that are no longer required. To access a particular Lesson, click the "Open" button beside it.

Before entering the Lesson, you will return to the Lesson creation screen. Here you can edit the Lesson by adding or removing content before stepping into the VR environment.

Opening existing lessons

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